Lights, camera, action! The best way to welcome Microsoft’s Global Summer Interns is with a craft palooza trio. This three-part series included LIVE in-studio recording with a camera crew, paints, and lots of sparkle motivation!

Each craft took participants on a journey to visit Washington from afar.

Intern Series – Microsoft includes:

  • Inclusive Badge
    • Taking the iconic Microsoft Blue Badge and elevating it into a momento
    • Custom engraved inclusive images
    • City skyline to include buildings globally situated
  • Savor Seattle
    • Pour the rainbows of Seattle into the legendary coffee cup
    • Complete with the Rainier Skyline to say welcome to the PNW
  • Born to Roam
    • After two months of hard Intern work it’s time to “Wander Where Wi-fi is Weak”
    • Discover the trails and explore a breath of fresh air among the trees
  • Microsoft Branded Paint: red-orange, green, yellow, and blue
  • Wood glue, foam brush, and flat brush